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It's a Sticking Point

Learn about Amontons’ two laws and find out why weight is not thrown forwards when stopping. We will discuss Jeremy Clarkson’s erroneous views on stopping distances and use TI STEM technolo…

Uitgever: T³ Europe

Auteur: Ian Galloway

Onderwerp:  Physics, STEM

Tags: Acceleration, Data collection, Dynamic Systems, Newton's law, Physics, Test of hypothesis, TI-Innovator Rover

Anschauliche Zugänge zur Integralrechnung mit dem Integrator und der TI-Nspire™ CX Technologie

Die digitale Lernumgebung Integrator bietet unter Nutzung der TI-Nspire™ CX Technologie einen anschaulichen und weitgehend kalkülfreien Zugang zu Grundvorstellungen der Integralrechnung.

Uitgever: T³ Europe

Auteur: Hans-Jürgen Elschenbroich, Hubert Langlotz, Gertrud Aumayr

Onderwerp:  Mathematics, Physics

Closing remarks Sharing Inspiration 2019

Closing remarks bringing to an end 4 days of intense discussion and debate. One day spent at the Jacques Delors building with policy makers and the next three with educators in the Crowne…

Uitgever: T³ Europe

Auteur: Ian Galloway

Onderwerp:  Other

Tags: Equations, Sharing Inspiration 2019

Sharing Inspiration 2019 ...for Policy Maker

Collection of materials and presentations shared and discussed at the Policy Maker's day of the conference Sharing Inspiration 2019 - The Power of Realization.

Uitgever: T³ Europe

Onderwerp:  STEM

Tags: STEM, T3, Sharing Inspiration 2019

Are Mathematical and Scientific Models different?

Using the fitting of curves to cables this activity examines the nature of scientific and mathematical modeling. Either student instruction or CPD for professionals.

Uitgever: T³ Europe

Auteur: Ian Galloway

Onderwerp:  STEM

Tags: Modeling, Parabola, Physics, Quadratic, Software, Tangent, Vector calculus

Kraak de Code

Programmeer je eigen codeersysteem!

Uitgever: T³ Europe

Auteur: Koen Stulens

Onderwerp:  Mathematics

TI-Nspire CAS in Engineering Mathematics: Highest Temperature in a Disk

Find the maximum of a two variable continuous function. Using Lagrage multipliers and parametric equations. Connecting single and multivariable calculus.

Auteur: Michel Beaudin, T³ Europe

Onderwerp:  STEM

Tags: Calculus, Derivative

TI-Nspire CAS in Engineering Mathematics

Using TI-Nspire CAS for teaching and learning of mathematics in engineering courses such as calculus (single variable, multiple variables), linear algebra, differential equations, complex a…

Uitgever: T³ Europe

Auteur: Michel Beaudin, T³ Europe

Onderwerp:  STEM

Tags: Engineering

TI-Nspire­ CAS in Engineering Mathematics: Systems of Three Linear Equation in Three Unknowns

Addressing the (simple) case of a unique solution and both explicit plotting and parametric 3D plotting

Uitgever: T³ Europe

Auteur: Michel Beaudin, T³ Europe

Onderwerp:  STEM

Tags: Linear regression, Modeling, System of linear equations

TI-Nspire CAS in Engineering Mathematics: Parameter in a System of Linear Equations

Using rref, solve and linsolve when solving a system of linear equations with parameters

Uitgever: T³ Europe

Auteur: Michel Beaudin, T³ Europe

Onderwerp:  STEM

TI-Nspire CAS in Engineering Mathematics: Line Integral: Residue Integration and Laurent Series

Complex analysis: Let f be a function of the complex variable z having a finite number of singularities consisting of isolated poles. Let C be a simple closed path in the complex plane ...

Auteur: Michel Beaudin, T³ Europe

Onderwerp:  STEM

TI-Nspire CAS in Engineering Mathematics: Falling Object Under Air Force Resistance

Applying Runge-Kutta to solve differential equations, illustrated on the situation of a falling object.

Uitgever: T³ Europe

Auteur: Michel Beaudin, T³ Europe

Onderwerp:  STEM

Tags: Integral calculus, Integration, Material to order, Mathematical thinking

TI-Nspire CAS in Engineering Mathematics: Geometric Transformations and Matrices

Rotating triangles and circles: find the volume of a solid of revolution.

Uitgever: T³ Europe

Auteur: Michel Beaudin, T³ Europe

Onderwerp:  STEM

TI-Nspire CAS in Engineering Mathematics: Parametric Equations for a Great Circle

Find parametric equations for curve of intersection, e.g. sphere and plane

Uitgever: T³ Europe

Auteur: Michel Beaudin, T³ Europe

Onderwerp:  STEM

TI-Nspire CAS in Engineering Mathematics: Library of Laplace Transforms

Laplace transformation and inverse Laplace transformation

Uitgever: T³ Europe

Auteur: Michel Beaudin, T³ Europe

Onderwerp:  STEM

TI-Nspire CAS in Engineering Mathematics: Unit Step and Impulse - Spring-mass Problems

Differential equations with piecewise defined functions.

Uitgever: T³ Europe

Auteur: Michel Beaudin, T³ Europe

Onderwerp:  STEM

Tags: Tips and tricks

TI-Nspire CAS in Engineering Mathematics: First Order Systems and Symbolic Matrix Exponentiation

Solving Ordinary Differential Equations by using a library of Laplace Transformations

Uitgever: T³ Europe

Auteur: Michel Beaudin, T³ Europe

Onderwerp:  STEM

Tags: Engineering, Matrix

An European TI-Nspire Science Pilot 2012

The TI-Nspire Lab Cradle - a solution to investigate work in science supporting students' understanding through the use of technology

Uitgever: T³ Europe

Editor: Ian Galloway

Auteur: Abdel Yazi, Armando Severino, Cathy Baars, Fernanda Neri, Fiona Dickens, Frank Liebner, Jean-Louis Balas, Lee Fox, Olivier Douvere, Petra Ryrstedt, Sanja Herrström, T³ Europe

Onderwerp:  Biology, Chemistry, Physics, STEM

Tags: STEM, Temperature, Time, Physics

The Case for CAS

There are many arguments for and against the use of CAS. This book sets out to provide an argumentative case for the use of CAS.

Uitgever: T³ Europe

Auteur: Ian Forbes, Guido Herweyers, Gert Schomacker, Josef Böhm, René Hugelshofer, T³ Europe

Onderwerp:  Mathematics

Tags: Calculus