(Rover) Drive the Line Challenge with TI-84 Plus CE Python (Math in Motion Plus)
Students will apply their knowledge of the relationships between position vs. time graphs and velocity vs. time graphs, and their verbal descriptions, to write programs for Rover to drive.
Uitgever: Texas Instruments Inc.
Onderwerp: Mathematics
Python Programmierbüchlein für TI-Nspire™ CX II-T CAS: Ein einfaches Spiel: 24
Eine ideale Einführung in die Programmierung mit Python auf dem TI-Nspire™ CX II-T CAS mit kurzen Programmen aus vielfältigen Bereichen.
Uitgever: T³ Europe
Editor: Josef Böhm
Auteur: Didier Deses
Onderwerp: Computer Science, Mathematics, STEM
Python Programmierbüchlein für TI-Nspire™ CX II-T CAS: Schere-Stein-Papier
Eine ideale Einführung in die Programmierung mit Python auf dem TI-Nspire™ CX II-T CAS mit kurzen Programmen aus vielfältigen Bereichen.
Uitgever: T³ Europe
Editor: Josef Böhm
Auteur: Didier Deses
Onderwerp: Computer Science, Mathematics, STEM
Recording of Sharing Inspiration: A journey from the binomial theorem to mathematical art
From binomial coefficients to Pascal Triangle and Sierpinksi-like fractals by developing your own program in Python.
Uitgever: T³ Europe
Editor: Ian Galloway
Auteur: Robert Cabane
Onderwerp: Mathematics, Computer Science
A journey from the binomial theorem to mathematical art
From binomial coefficients to Pascal Triangle and Sierpinksi-like fractals by developing your own program in Python
Uitgever: T³ Europe
Editor: Ian Galloway
Auteur: Robert Cabane
Onderwerp: Mathematics, Computer Science
Recording of Sharing Inspiration: Applied Mathematics – a tribute to Leonhard Euler’s 315th birthday
Famous mathematician Leonhard Euler. Expected and unexpected occurrences of e, approached with Python programming. Measuring angels with the help of gravity. Accuracy, Precision, Resolution…
Uitgever: T³ Europe
Editor: Ian Galloway
Auteur: Hubert Langlotz, Hans-Martin Hilbig, Veit Berger
Onderwerp: Mathematics, Computer Science
Meet the Tello Drone with TI Python (Coming February 2023)
Beta resources to get started with TI Python and the Tello Drone.
Uitgever: Texas Instruments Inc.
Onderwerp: Computer Science, Mathematics, STEM
Applied Mathematics – a tribute to Leonhard Euler’s 315th birthday - Part 1
Famous mathematician Leonhard Euler. Expected and unexpected occurrences of e. Approached with Python programming.
Uitgever: T³ Europe
Editor: Ian Galloway
Auteur: Hubert Langlotz, Veit Berger
Onderwerp: Mathematics, Computer Science
Applied Mathematics – a tribute to Leonhard Euler’s 315th birthday - Part 2
Measuring angels with the help of gravity. Accuracy, Precision, Resolution. Euler angles.
Uitgever: T³ Europe
Editor: Ian Galloway
Auteur: Hans-Martin Hilbig
Onderwerp: Mathematics, Computer Science
Das James-Webb-Teleskop im fachübergreifenden MINT-Unterricht
Das 2021 gestartete James-Webb-Weltraumteleskop wurde im Lagrange-Punkt L2 des Systems Sonne – Erde platziert. Im vorliegenden Beitrag werden die Ansätze zur Berechnung der Lagrange-Punkte …
Uitgever: T³ Deutschland - Materialien
Auteur: Veit Berger
Onderwerp: STEM, Physics, Computer Science, Mathematics
René Descartes would code a TI-Rover if he could
René Descartes mathematician and philosopher. Two classic problems and how to approach them using Python programming.
Uitgever: T³ Europe
Editor: Ian Galloway
Auteur: Alexandre Técher
Onderwerp: Mathematics, Computer Science
Recording of Sharing Inspiration: René Descartes would code a TI-Rover if he could
Recording of Sharing Inspiration webinar: René Descartes would code a TI-Rover if he could
Uitgever: T³ Europe
Editor: Ian Galloway
Auteur: Alexandre Técher
Onderwerp: Mathematics, Computer Science
Fiche 14 - Python Compilation Enregistrement Console
Algorithme : premier script en Python.
Uitgever: T3 France
Editor: T3 France
Auteur: T3 France
Onderwerp: Computer Science
Fiche 15 - Python et environnement Nspire 1
Calculs statistiques : fluctuation d'échantillonnage. Coder en Python une expérience aléatoire. Représenter les données.
Uitgever: T3 France
Editor: T3 France
Auteur: T3 France
Onderwerp: Mathematics, Computer Science
Fiche 16 - Python et environnement Nspire 2
Photographie numérique : pixels et composantes R,G,B. Importer et traiter une image.
Script Python.
Uitgever: T3 France
Editor: T3 France
Auteur: T3 France
Onderwerp: Mathematics, Computer Science
Fiche 17 - Python et une microbit
Objets connectés : interagir avec une carte Micro:bit.
Uitgever: T3 France
Editor: T3 France
Auteur: T3 France
Onderwerp: Computer Science
Fiche 18 - Python et microbit radio
Objets connectés : communiquer avec deux cartes Micro:bit en mode radio. Script Python.
Uitgever: T3 France
Editor: T3 France
Auteur: T3 France
Onderwerp: Computer Science, Physics
Fiche 20 - Geometrie - Moyennes et Python
Géométrie : calculs de moyennes. Utilisation de l'application Géométrie de la TI-Nspire CX. Script Python.
Uitgever: T3 France
Editor: T3 France
Auteur: T3 France
Onderwerp: Mathematics, Computer Science
Présentation de la TI-Nspire™ CX II-T CAS.
Uitgever: T3 France
Editor: T3 France
Auteur: T3 France
Onderwerp: Mathematics, Computer Science